The Backstory…

Scroll down to see the history of the Dream 100®


Chet Holmes

The original “inventor” of the Dream 100® Strategy.

Doubled the sales volume of all nine divisions Charlie Munger put under his purview

Clients included 60 of the fortune 500 and countless small businesses world-wide

Endorsed by Brian Tracy, Warren Buffett, Loral Langemeier, & Many More

Thank you, Chet. May your gentle soul rest in peace.


Michael Tasner

Michael Tasner, was only 15 years old. This was the time when almost no one in his neighborhood could do web designs and a dinosaur PC would cost thousands of dollars. Now, after all those 18 years, and after selling the $1 million-a year Taz Solutions, Michael decided to create a company that would have five core values as the foundation.


Russell Brunson

Russell has credited the Dream 100® as the foundation to his Inc. 5000 Award-winning company Clickfunnels’ extreme success. Clickfunnels has raced from zero to more than $100mm in annual sales in under 4 years.


Steve Larsen

In just 3 years, Steve has gone from sleeping in the hall of events, to hosting his own that have done more than $1mm in sales in a single day thanks to his impressive understanding and implementation of the Dream 100®.


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